“The Guinness Book of Centre Records”
This past Friday Night Party theme was “Record Breaking.” We all had so much fun trying to be hungriest, quickest, smartest, and even hottest… take a look! My friends Paew and Apple. Apple became a Christian in December!
Chubby Bunnies, so fun. I must say that I think it was my first time ever playing…
… lovely. Two and 3/4 pieces of bread and two giant marshmallows later, we had a winner!
P’Jom, Wor, and June had a competition to see who could eat the most peppers in 3 minutes. June ate 3, Wor ate 2, and P’Jom ate 1. These peppers are HOT. Last summer I used some to make salsa, didn’t wash my hands after touching the seeds, and had an awful burning reaction on my palms that lasted for hours…. Just a suggestion, don’t touch the seeds!
What a fun night!