“Water, water everywhere” or, “Floods are no fun”

“Water, water everywhere” or, “Floods are no fun”

You may have heard already about the flooding going on in Thailand. I haven’t blogged about it yet for a few reasons: 1) I have been busy with other things, and 2) it’s hard to get straight information until it’s all over (and it’s not all over yet)… Chiang Mai experienced flooding the last days of September and the first days of October.  The affected […]

Guns Everywhere! …water guns, that is.

This week is SONGKRAN, the Thai New Year festival that is celebrated with water fights!  With highs of 104+ degrees, the water (often) comes as a refreshing cool-down.  I’ve posted two videos you can check out here and here. We drove around the moat in Chiang Mai on the back of pickup trucks. There were about eight people in our truck, and we had 4 […]

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the … country?

It is definitely summer here.  Summer means dry heat heat heat, which you can definitely feel.  Summer also means pollution.  A few days of rain here and there definitely help though! In case you missed my list on Facebook, here are a few things for how you can know it’s almost summer: 1.  I have to use fans in my house again, and my hair […]