What’s Your Prefix?

What’s Your Prefix?

As I was reserving an airline ticket online, I came to the page to enter my details. The “prefix” options were: MR MS MRS MONK In all my seven years of reserving airline tickets online in Thailand, I hadn’t encountered this option before. Buddhist monks have specific restrictions as part of their religious beliefs and activities (or non-activities, as the case may be). One requirement […]

Swim Swam Swum

Swim Swam Swum

I have been going to Bangkok at least once a month since March of this year. Sometimes it’s for a day (that’s a long day!) and sometimes it’s for a full week, and sometimes it’s in between.  Since I’m in the Big City that often, I checked out a pool at a public park and decided to become a member.  It’s close enough to my […]

ENCOUNTER 2010 Pictures

An awesome conference for university ministry in Budapest, Hungary.  Here are pictures!

Three’s Company

More company!  You can probably guess when I am far behind on my blog that special people are in town, and are perhaps even staying at my house 🙂 This week, my friends Kelly, Brenna, and Matt came to visit.  I’ve known Kelly since (my) birth, and her younger sister Brenna since Brenna’s birth.  Brenna married Matt last year, and I met Matt a few times […]

Mekong River International Multisport ITU Asian Cup 2010

That’s the long name for the racing weekend I had in Nong Khai last Friday through Sunday.  Nong Khai is in eastern Thailand, along the border of Laos, and I went with a few friends to join in the race events. Friday = aquathon = 1.5k swim (down the river), 5k run Saturday = duathlon = 10k run, 40k bike, 5k run Sunday = triathlon […]

Strawberry Fields Everywhere and a little Bunny Luv

I admit it, I like the movie Sahara.  Amidst the cheesy-ness, there are some great humorous moments and lines.  One of my favorite lines is when Al says, “Hey, you know my dad collected ancient coins, from Rome, China, Siam, Persia… somehow they all ended up in a shoe box in New Jersey.”  He’s trying to convince his friend Dirk that things travel.  You never […]

Visas! …And not the credit card type

At the end of August I made a quick day trip to Burma to renew my visa. With the visa I had, I was required to leave the country every 90 days. So, I took a bus to Mae Sai, the border town about 4 hours north of Chiang Mai. On the bus they gave me a water bottle, a snack, and an orange drink […]



Thanks to Armona Central Assembly of God, I am blessed to have a new motorbike!  It is a Honda Wave, 125cc with fuel injection and an electric starter.  What fun 🙂

Northern Thailand, Church Plants, and the Pink Gem Resort

Ten days ago, as I boarded a plane at LAX, I thought my days of long road trips were over.  No more day trips to San Diego or weekend circuits through the San Joaquin valley.  No more days of three meetings and a service.  At least until next furlough, right? Well, when I thought that, I think God laughed. This weekend Mark and Janie took […]

Last Two Weeks

It’s strange to think about leaving.  Of course I’m excited, but in these Last Two Weeks there is a lot to do, but at the same time things are winding down and it feels strange.  What do these Last Two Weeks hold? — Only TWO more services! Wow! — Only one more time to speak at Youth. — GRADUATION! — Time with my family — Going-away party — […]