Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday

Today is Friday, which means tonight we have a party!  Two classes have been studying cooking vocabulary this week. Last night they made spaghetti sauce, tonight they’re making spaghetti and garlic bread, and so for our party everyone will enjoy their culinary creations.  Along with spaghetti dinner, we’ll have an open mic for students, staff, and teachers to perform.  I hear the team has quite […]

The Summer of All Summers

The Summer of All Summers

I have just completed my fourth summer as a missionary here in Chiang Mai.  Every summer we have had one team from Evangel University come to help teach at TLC English Center.  I have learned quite a bit about hosting teams over the last three years, and I am thankful for all the lessons God has taught me–they all came in handy this summer when […]

Quest at Ang Kaew

Quest at Ang Kaew

A draft that never got posted! Oh no! From April: At the end of March, we had a Quest event at a little reservoir on the university campus.  We’ve been doing Quest events since June 2010, and this is the first (of many!) that was completely organized by Thai people.  Part of my job here is to work myself out of a job – handing […]

Baptism Service

Baptism Service

This month, four new believers at TLC were baptized. Yay!

Four Strikes and You’re Out! Oh wait…

Four Strikes and You’re Out! Oh wait…

Last night some students invited me to go bowling after class.  We had a great time! Sorry about my reflective jacket… I always forget to take it off for pictures, ha. Something I always took for granted in America but will no longer: bowling balls with large finger holes.  I could barely get my fingers in these, let alone my thumb.  Finally I found one […]

Random is my middle name

Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.  At least I hope it’s pleasurable for you. One of my more recent “races” was a 5k Run for Relief to support ministries who are working with peoples in and from Burma.  Friends from TLC joined me, and we all did a great job!  Oh, and I ran barefoot … “Thousands of villagers flee their homes […]

QUEST ที่แรก (the first)

This Sunday we had an afternoon event for students who were interested in learning more about Christianity.  We called it “Quest” – for people who are on a quest searching for God.  It was a great afternoon!  First we played some fun games that had a searching theme… (did you know that hygenic face masks make great blindfolds?!) We sang some songs together, and then […]

Christmas in Thailand Part I: Church

On the Sunday before Christmas, TLC Church had an evangelistic Christmas party/service.  We had special music, a few games, and Apple shared a short message about the Greatest Gift of All.  I was so glad that two of our students, Liw and Nan, came that morning!

Moooooore Students!

The last four weeks have been a little quiet, since the students had 2 weeks of finals and 2 weeks of break and couldn’t study English for that time.  We still had classes, but they were smaller than normal. Well guess what, they’re back!  The students have returned to Chiang Mai for their second semester and we are full to the brim of students!  We […]

CoffEEEEE Shop!

That’s “coffee” in a Thai accent!  Here are some pictures of the coffee shop at TLC. The first is Apple enjoying some cookies as Pong and David work.  The second is a few months ago, before the menu boards were up.  And students enjoy the coffee shop on a Friday night!