Resolutions, Smesolutions

I am usually not good at making New Year’s resolutions, and I am worse at keeping them if I make them at all.  So I really surprised myself last week when I decided to do something for the New Year.  I’m not sure if I should call it a resolution (sounds too formal, fixed, and final!) or a goal (sounds more positive, and forgiving if […]

My Question, Mary’s Answer

At first, Mary’s response to her angel visitor is very similar to Zechariah’s – “How will this be?”  (read about Zechariah here.)  You have to admit, though, that Mary’s situation looked quite a bit less possible than Zechariah’s did.  The angel patiently explains to Mary how the miracle will happen, and tells her “nothing is impossible with God.”  She will be the mother of the […]

I am a Zechariah

“Then an angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah…”  But “Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this?” Luke 1:5-25 It’s easy for me to identify with many of the characters of the Christmas story – if I saw an angel appear to me, I would probably be “startled and gripped with fear” as well.  But in the past I have also […]

“3:03:08” or, “The Persistence of a Persistent God”

Three kilometers into the run, I wondered what I was doing.  Stopping wasn’t an option; walking wasn’t either.  With seven more kilometers to go, determination rose in my heart and in my mind – You have to keep going.  You will finish.  You have to.   It was a stronger feeling than I had during the 1.5 kilometer swim and 39 kilometer bike just before.  Why […]

Lessons From Orange

The sun erupted into the sky this morning in a brilliant Orange, the same color of monk robes.  Wispy pink clouds surrounding it were reminiscent of lotus blossoms floating in a pool of blue.  A weak breeze contributed to the morning coolness, but I could tell the cool wouldn’t last long.  Rain clouds usually come from behind the mountains, but at that moment if there […]

Radio Revelations Part III – Tickets, “Bleeding Love,” and more “Road”

A few more things I’ve learned and observed from the radio: 7) On Tickets: Have you ever wondered how many theme park and concert tickets are given away on any given day by radio stations all over the nation?  THOUSANDS. 8) On “Bleeding Love”:  You can hardly listen to a few radio stations for 15 minutes without hearing Leona Lewis’ song “Bleeding Love.”  A lot […]

Radio Revelations Part II – Three Measures, Culture, and “Travelin'”

  More things I’ve observed and learned from listening to the radio: 4) Three measure max: I can usually tell what song is starting by hearing the first three measures.  This is helpful when the song is one I don’t like – my fingers quickly flip to a different station. 5) On Culture: Listening to the radio gives me great insight into contemporary culture.  Songs reveal what people […]

Radio Revelations Part I – Genes, Santana, and the 5-Station Hypothesis

I’m in the car a lot.  I think we’ve already established that fact longggg ago.  I love music, and usually have music playing wherever I am.  Thus, I listen to a lot of radio.  Radio makes me think about a whole host of things, which I will share with you.  Feel free to laugh at me.  I won’t mind, I will never find out. 1) On […]