Happy Thai-nksgiving!

I have the old song in my mind today, Give thanks, with a grateful heart, Give thanks, to the Holy One, Give thanks, because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son…   I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day and are able to celebrate with friends and/or family 🙂  Don’t let Black Friday overshadow the more important Thursday that comes before it! […]

By the Numbers

Short and simple: 8 months of itineration over 100 meetings with pastors 58 services so far and 15 scheduled for the month of March phone calls… I don’t even want to know 40,000 university students in Chiang Mai who have yet to say yes to Jesus and I have reached 52% of my monthly budget. Please pray with me that I will raise 100% of my […]

25 Percent !!!

Currently I have 25% of my monthly support raised!  People say, “Wow that’s great! You’re doing really well!”  And 25% is pretty good, but I still feel so far away.  I have been itinerating for about four and a half months — but the process to get to this point has taken a year and a half, so it feels a lot longer than just four […]

Travelin’ Woman

In September and October, I went to… San Diego, Lakewood, Costa Mesa, Oxnard, Simi Valley, Lake Elsinore, San Bernardino, Camarillo, San Luis Obispo, Whittier, Port Hueneme, Downey, Commerce, Hawthorne, North Hollywood, Hemet, San Jacinto, Desert Hot Springs, Indio, La Quinta, Fullerton, Corona, Irvine, Los Angeles, Northridge, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria, La Mirada, Torrance, Westchester, Sunland, Arleta, and of course Ventura. If your city isn’t […]

My friend says numbers don’t lie.

The question is, what do they say? One day last week – Phone calls: 62 Services booked: 0 Meetings booked: 1 One day this week – Phone calls: 57 Services booked: 1 Meetings booked: 1 Miles driven in the month of September: 1289 They just might be saying, “Welcome to Itineration.”

Thank you, Women of Southern California!

Last weekend I was blessed to be a part of the SoCal Women’s Retreat at Pinecrest camp. It was a great opportunity to meet wonderful women from all over Southern CA, and share with them about Thailand and what God has called me to do there.  I was encouraged by the speaker, Dr. Lori O’Dea, and by women who talked with me, hugged my neck, and […]

What it’s all about

Itineration is an adventure. If you’re not familiar with it, let me summarize for you: phone calls, meetings, phone calls, mailings, driving, services, newsletters, phone calls, driving, phone calls.  When I first started in May and June, I had no idea how to begin, and I’m still working out the kinks and figuring out the “best” way to do things.  I felt distraught and weary.  […]

San Diego

I’m in San Diego this weekend for a busy time meeting pastors, having a service, and catching up with a few friends in town. This city makes me think of so many memories – family vacations, youth convention, a day trip to visit my college roommate, homemade tortillas in Old Town (mmmmmm), band trips.  So now I am adding new memories to the list for […]

Three Whirlwind Weeks

I got back to California on Saturday after spending three weeks in Springfield, Missouri. It was a great–and busy–time, as my days were full of classes on culture, renewal services, and spending time with old and new friends. Some HIGHLIGHTS: – My roommate Laurel Parmley, who is also going to Thailand and has spent two years there working at an orphanage – Getting to know […]

“Smack It!”

Special thanks to June, my pastor’s wife, for directing my attention to the June 8th entry in Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. Here is an excerpt: “Launch all on God, go out on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and you will get your eyes open. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the smooth […]