Quest at Ang Kaew

Quest at Ang Kaew

A draft that never got posted! Oh no! From April: At the end of March, we had a Quest event at a little reservoir on the university campus.  We’ve been doing Quest events since June 2010, and this is the first (of many!) that was completely organized by Thai people.  Part of my job here is to work myself out of a job – handing […]

March Newsletter

I’ve posted my March newsletter here!

January newsletter posted!

You can find my January newsletter here.  December was packed with activity and January is showing more of the same, with some new exciting opportunities ahead.  It’s going to be a great year!

November Newsletter

November Newsletter

You can find a pdf version of my November newsletter here … Or a webpage version here.  You can click this link to subscribe and have the newsletter delivered right to your inbox!

“Water, water everywhere” or, “Floods are no fun”

“Water, water everywhere” or, “Floods are no fun”

You may have heard already about the flooding going on in Thailand. I haven’t blogged about it yet for a few reasons: 1) I have been busy with other things, and 2) it’s hard to get straight information until it’s all over (and it’s not all over yet)… Chiang Mai experienced flooding the last days of September and the first days of October.  The affected […]

New Newsletter Info

New Newsletter Info

I posted my most recent newsletter here.  If you’d like to receive an email about new newsletters and updates from Thailand, please enter your information here.  I’m trying out a new email service called MailChimp, which delivers the emails and manages my address lists.  Sometimes though my emails go through to your spambox 🙁 so please check there to see if it slipped by, and […]

Newsletter posted!

Newsletter posted!

Sorry I haven’t been blogging as I should have — it’s been a reeeeeeeeeeally busy month!  But here’s my latest newsletter with some pictures and updates. Enjoy!

New Newsletter

I just posted my latest newsletter, with exciting things about young believers and the English Center.  Check it out here, and see past newsletters here.

New newsletter posted

I put several pictures in my latest newsletter, which you can find here.  Thanks for your prayers and support!

Have I mentioned lately…

WE NEED TEACHERS! TLC English Center is in need of teachers starting August 10th!  Can you help?  Check out this site for more information, or contact me.  Let anyone else know too who may be interested.  Teaching English is a great way to get to know Thai students, build relationships with them, and introduce them to Christ. Please ask God how you can be involved!