“Chinese Fire Drill”, Thai style

I’m not really sure how the term “Chinese fire drill” came about, though I would guess it started as a less-than-kind phrase towards Chinese people.  At any rate, I saw an interesting combination today at a stoplight… Two motorbikes pulled up, each with a driver and passenger.  Passenger from bike #1 got off and moved to be passenger of bike #2. Passenger of bike #2 […]

Makro … or, the Ups and Downs of a Motorbike

Makro is a “cash and carry” warehouse store in Thailand – just think Costco or Sam’s Club.  I don’t know exactly what “cash and carry” is supposed to mean… oh well.  At any rate, you buy things in bulk and they don’t put your merchandise in bags.  Sound familiar?  I know they have a member card, which I’m not sure you have to pay for, […]



Thanks to Armona Central Assembly of God, I am blessed to have a new motorbike!  It is a Honda Wave, 125cc with fuel injection and an electric starter.  What fun 🙂

It’s not the Motorbikes that are unsafe…

… it’s the people who drive them.  On a bike ride last week I wished I had my camera to take a picture of this: an unhelmeted man driving a motorbike down the road while smoking, listening to music in headphones, and texting on his cell phone. No kidding. At least he was on the correct side of traffic.  We won’t talk about driving on […]

Classic Blunder and a lesson: SPIT DOWN.

Classic Blunder and a lesson: SPIT DOWN.

 The other day I was driving my motorbike with Andrew, the Evangel team leader, on the back.  My visor and his visor were up because we were talking, and it’s hard to hear someone when the helment visors are down. Now, I have done this many times in Thailand, and I often ride with my visor up at night, unless it’s too windy or there’s […]

Motorbike 101

This is a usual sight – three people, book bags, anything. Little kids sit up front and hold on to the mirror bases like handles, or sit in back with someone. Dogs ride in the basket or in the back. Driving with just one other passenger takes enough balance, I can’t imagine two or more! Not exactly a car-seat friendly mode of transportation!