
It was 78 degrees when I started running at 7:30am, and when I finished 1 hour, 51 minutes and 42 seconds later, it was at least 86 degrees and climbing quickly, and of course it felt hotter than that after being in the bright sun for so long.  I was drenched, if you hadn’t guessed (and I’m sure you wanted to know), but after running […]

Making Room

Happy 2012!  I’m looking forward to a great year – lots of exciting things planned, and lots of unknowns, but God is greater than both, and He is with me! This Christmas I was blessed by friends and family with some great presents.  I realized right away though that I needed to do some rearranging and cleaning out of my closet and pantry to make […]

Resolutions, Smesolutions

I am usually not good at making New Year’s resolutions, and I am worse at keeping them if I make them at all.  So I really surprised myself last week when I decided to do something for the New Year.  I’m not sure if I should call it a resolution (sounds too formal, fixed, and final!) or a goal (sounds more positive, and forgiving if […]

Race of Legends! Laguna Phuket Triathlon 2010

1.8km swim (1.2km in the ocean + 100 meter dash across the sand + 600 meters in a freshwater lagoon) + 55km bike (route with three long, steep hills and uncountable sharp curves … in the rain) + 12km run (on trail, pavement, cobblestone, and golf course) = The Race of Legends! I promise, I didn’t make that up.  (Check it out if you don’t […]