Students + Teachers = English Center!

A team of 5 students from Evangel University is working at the English Center giving it a great kick-off!  So far we have just over 25 students after 2 days of classes, and we are expecting more to come! Thanks for praying!

Also an update – I found an apartment that is in the area where I wanted to live. It’s new and not finished yet, but they said it would be ready in a month. Please pray that it will actually be a month (or less!) and not one of these month-turns-to-three-months kind of deal.  More on that when it happens.

On Friday I am teaching the book of James to the students at our church’s school of biblical studies.  It’s a neat opportunity, but… time for me to keep on studying and organizing my notes!  Thanks for praying that it will go well.

0 responses to “Students + Teachers = English Center!”

  1. Kara says:

    Thanks for the update Lauren! I’m kind of a stalker and check your blog every day (I probably count for half of your visit stats), but it’s just so exciting to read about how you are now living out this dream! I’ll be praying for you!

    • laurenbecker says:

      Thanks Kara! It’s nice to know someone is interested, and praying 🙂 I will try to update more as I can. Hope you’re doing well!

  2. Mom says:

    You are amazing! I love seeing the pictures, and how happy you are to be there, fulfilling God’s call. We are praying for you every day!

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