“Smack It!”
Special thanks to June, my pastor’s wife, for directing my attention to the June 8th entry in Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. Here is an excerpt:
“Launch all on God, go out on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and you will get your eyes open. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the smooth waters just inside the harbour bar, full of delight, but always moored; you have to get out through the harbour bar into the great deeps of God and begin to know for yourself…”
“Beware of harking back to what you were once when God wants you to be something you have never been.”
My friend who introduced me to triathlon has a special expression for doing a workout well: “smack it!” Am I about to run a certain distance and attempt to beat my previous time? “Go smack it.” Did I just finish a workout harder and faster than before? “Wow, you smacked it!”
What does “smacking it” have to do with anything?
As I face itineration, some days are harder than others. I don’t always know what I should be doing, or if I do know what, I don’t always know how. But I still need to “launch all on God.” I have to go beyond the harbor, go into greater deeps, get out there and DO it. I have to “smack it.” God does want me to be something I’ve never been, and this time of itineration is stretching me so I do not go back to what I once was. I need to get out there, do my very best for the Lord, and “smack” this thing – get it done, and done well.
Please pray that I would have the courage to “smack it” and launch all on God through this itineration process.
Here’s a picture of me after I “smacked it” in a 4 mile race (in Thailand!) and placed third in my age group.