Shame on me! So here’s an update
I am a bad blogger. Maybe when I write blogs they could turn out alright, but as far as sitting down and actually writing them, well….. I hang my head in shame.
Here are some updates from the last month or so…
John, Nok, and Iew were baptized in September! These are my small group members who came to Christ at the beginning of this year. Praise God for their commitment to faith and following Jesus.
Our English course in September was a mix of old and new students. We had cooking night, an ice cream party, and a few game nights. It was fun to get to know more students and continue to build my friendships with returning students.
We also had a QUEST event in September… a mall scavenger hunt! We had a boys team and girls team, who were supposed to find and do different things in the mall. Afterwards we discussed how God is our friend. Though it was a smaller event than previous QUESTs, I always am thankful for the opportunity to sow seeds of the Gospel in the lives of our students.
More to come, sooner rather than later I promise!
All I have to say is, you rock my socks off! Miss you! We’re thinking about you and continuing to pray for you! Thanks for all you do! You’re AWESOME!