Random is my middle name
Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. At least I hope it’s pleasurable for you.
One of my more recent “races” was a 5k Run for Relief to support ministries who are working with peoples in and from Burma. Friends from TLC joined me, and we all did a great job! Oh, and I ran barefoot … “Thousands of villagers flee their homes without shoes… Run without shoes so they won’t have to.” Something like that.
It’s strawberry season! Unfortunately, you never know how wonderful CA strawberries are until you’ve tasted others. Really, you may think you do, but you don’t. This 1-pound box of strawberries costs 175 baht (around $5.75) and they are 1/3 green. And these are the redder of those on sale.
So at TLC we like to eat fish. 🙂 My pastor King likes to fish a lot, and he recently went down south for a fishing trip and brought back 13 large fish for a fish party! Mmmmm were they good!
And in case you haven’t seen a cute picture of a kid lately, here are a few. This is Nathan, our pastors’ son. He’s about 1 1/2 and getting more active and talkative all the time. He can almost say my name!
You girls are too funny! I thank the Lord you have so many loving people around you.
How is it possible that Nathan keeps getting cuter and cuter? Seriously!! He’s so cute I almost can’t stand it!