Quest at Ang Kaew
A draft that never got posted! Oh no! From April:
At the end of March, we had a Quest event at a little reservoir on the university campus. We’ve been doing Quest events since June 2010, and this is the first (of many!) that was completely organized by Thai people. Part of my job here is to work myself out of a job – handing over ministry and responsibility to the local believers. Gik, a university junior who is part of my small group, headed up the charge by organizing the event, leading games, and finding people to help give a presentation and testimony. Leemer, another church member and faithful student at the English Center, scouted out the location and helped as MC. The afternoon went well, and several students responded that they wanted to learn more about Jesus. I’m excited to see what the Thai Quest team will plan in the future! Hooray that I am able to pass the baton of Quest into the capable hands of my Thai friends!