My Question, Mary’s Answer

At first, Mary’s response to her angel visitor is very similar to Zechariah’s – “How will this be?”  (read about Zechariah here.)  You have to admit, though, that Mary’s situation looked quite a bit less possible than Zechariah’s did.  The angel patiently explains to Mary how the miracle will happen, and tells her “nothing is impossible with God.”  She will be the mother of the Son of God, the one to bring Immanuel into the world.  What an honor!  But think about what lies behind the angel’s pronouncement.  The unsaid message goes something like this…

“You will be an un-wed pregnant teenager.  Your betrothed will want to divorce you.  While you’re pregnant, you will have to travel a long ways for some government census.  You will have to give birth in a barn.  You will have to care for this child, and you may not understand all of his teachings or ministry.  Oh, and then you will watch him suffer and die at the hand of Roman executioners.”

And yet, with all this weight and responsibility, Mary agrees.  “May it be to me as you have said.”  She sees the honor and privilege, but she also sees the pain and disgrace that goes along with it.  But she says yes.  Too often I ask Mary’s question – “HOW is this going to happen, God?”  He reminds me that nothing is impossible with Him.  I weigh the pros and cons, I see the ultimate reward coupled with suffering and trial.  And too often I stop short of answering as Mary did, “May it be to me as you have said.”  God help me to believe and have courage like Mary, so others may say of me as Elizabeth said of her, “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!”  (Luke 1:26-45)

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