Moooooore Students!
The last four weeks have been a little quiet, since the students had 2 weeks of finals and 2 weeks of break and couldn’t study English for that time. We still had classes, but they were smaller than normal.
Well guess what, they’re back! The students have returned to Chiang Mai for their second semester and we are full to the brim of students! We have about 32 students total right now, and roughly a third of them are new to TLC English Center. We are so excited about the opportunities we have to reach these students! At the same time, we are desperately praying for more teachers to come help us! Please pray with us, and be open to God’s voice calling you to Thailand to help 🙂
Here are some students from our previous course.
So cool! Whenever I come visit I would love to sit in on one of the English classes and see how they are conducted.
Also, when I first looked at the photo, I seriously thought to myself, “Wow! Lauren is so Thai that I’m having a hard time finding her.” Then I realized you weren’t in the picture…