“Mehlee Kreet-sa-mat!”

Translation: Merry Christmas!

It is Christmas season — the third week of Advent, actually — and I’m a little behind in my usual Christmas-holiday-spirit.  I’m trying to figure out why.  I don’t think it’s because of the weather (I know some of you could never fathom a Christmas without snow, let alone a winter with highs in the mid 80’s.  Christmases in SoCal aren’t too warm or too cold for most people, but I really do love the warmth in Thailand!  And it does get cold here too… just a different sort of cold.).  I don’t think it’s because of a lack of decorations (many Thais put up Christmas trees; Santas adorn shop windows; “Merry Christmas” signs drape across doors and buildings… no nativity scenes though!).  I don’t even think it’s because of a lack of Christmas festivities (we already had a Christmas party with our students at the English Center; our church’s Christmas service is this Sunday; and caroling is on Christmas eve).

Two things that could be affecting my general Christmas excitement: 1) busyness–I haven’t had time to put up lights in my own home or buy a tree like I did last year; and 2)music–I didn’t get any new Christmas music this year, and I’m growing a little tired of the ‘classics’ I’ve been listening to since fourth grade.


I did put up my ceramic nativity set and put together my Advent wreath (which is slightly more modern and less wreath-y than in the past).  My focus this year has been on Jesus as the Light of the World.  He came to expel the darkness that Thai people live in every single day.  Even without the snow, without nativity sets, without a tree, Christ shines brightly, calling the least and the lowly to Himself.  It doesn’t matter if I “feeeeeeeeel” Christmassy.  It doesn’t matter if life gets busy and I don’t have time to decorate.  What does matter is that the people who wish me a “Mehlee Kreet-sa-mat!” come to the Light of Life, the Only One who can take away their darkness and show them the right way.

I wish you all a warm “Mehlee Kreet-sa-mat” from Thailand.  May you cherish the season with family and friends, most of all taking time to remember that the Light that has come, our Immanuel, to expel the darkness in our hearts and in the world around us.

One response to ““Mehlee Kreet-sa-mat!””

  1. Carolyn Becker says:

    We will send you some new music!!!!!
    Merry Christmas to you, our beautiful daughter.
    Love, Mom

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