I am a Zechariah
“Then an angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah…” But “Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this?”
Luke 1:5-25
It’s easy for me to identify with many of the characters of the Christmas story – if I saw an angel appear to me, I would probably be “startled and gripped with fear” as well. But in the past I have also thought if an angel had a message for me, I would definitely believe him. As I read, I criticized Zechariah for doubting the messenger of God in front of him. The angel appears, Zechariah is terrified, and the angel proceeds to tell him wonderful things that God will do in his life… and Zechariah asks, “How can I be sure of this?” Come on, Zechariah! Really?
But I do the same thing. So maybe an angel hasn’t appeared to me, but that doesn’t give me an excuse. When God speaks, too often I say, “How can I be sure?” Can I trust this? How can I believe that when I don’t see any possible way that it will happen? Yet I am a Zechariah, doubting the One who is truly able to make it all happen. God forgive me.
Thanks for your transparency, Lauren. It’s good to know I’m not the only one out here who feels that way sometimes – not that it justifies our actions, but it is encouraging to remember that we’re all a work in progress. And an especially timely reminder right before a night of ministry…thanks again!