Four Strikes and You’re Out! Oh wait…
Last night some students invited me to go bowling after class. We had a great time!
Sorry about my reflective jacket… I always forget to take it off for pictures, ha.
Something I always took for granted in America but will no longer: bowling balls with large finger holes. I could barely get my fingers in these, let alone my thumb. Finally I found one that worked mostly, that wasn’t 12 or 13 pounds.
Please, Fang, and Dit in front, and A in back with me. Dit is a member of TLC Church. A has studied with us since February, and has since brought friends Please and Fang to study too.
And now I brag a little bit, about a fluke really. On our last game I played 4 strikes in a row, and then another strike later on (while on the phone) and a spare. It was definitely the highest score of my life!
My score is at the top – “Lu” (apparently the abbreviation for Lauren). 159!
And to keep me humble, here is the score for my second game:
[…] forgot to put this in my post about bowling (find it here) […]