Everything’s Better With Music

I bought a washing machine and it now sits in the corner of my bathroom and cleans my clothes! I’m really blessed to have one – thanks to the ladies of the San Bernardino Section for helping me to buy it!

Washing machines are slightly different here in Thailand than in America.  They are smaller, for one thing, and so I have to do several loads per week to clean all my clothes.  (Using a lot of clothes for exercise and just being sweaty a lot of time time anyways only adds to this abundance of dirty clothes.)  They are top-loading, but don’t have a middle post (what is that called?!) like those in America.  But, I think the best part of all is that Thai washing machines SING.  Yes.  When I turn on the machine, it makes a little second-long note sequence, and turning it off makes a similar sound.

And, when the machine finishes a load, it doesn’t buzz annoyingly – it sings a 20-second long melody.  No joke.  And yes I did time it.  I just think it’s more … fun?  pleasant?  soothing? … than a harsh “eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” when the load is done.  Even the chore of laundry can be made better with a little music.

singing washing machineAlso notice, in the bottom right corner is where the water is emptied into the drain in the bathroom floor.  Up top on the right is where the washer connects to the water faucet in the wall. It plugs in on the left.

0 responses to “Everything’s Better With Music”

  1. laurenbecker says:

    I hang out my clothes on a laundry rack. It’s been so warm that many of my loads have dried overnight, with no direct help from sunlight.

  2. Emily says:

    1-I believe the middle rod is called an agitator. 2-so, the washing machine doesn’t have a permanent residence in your bathroom? You cart it out and plug it in to use it? This is just a strange concept to me.

    • laurenbecker says:

      AGITATOR, got it. Yes the washing machine has a permanent residence in the bathroom. It has to plug in because it is electric. It stays plugged in all the time, I just use the power button to turn it on and off. 🙂

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