Classic Blunder and a lesson: SPIT DOWN.

my kermit green helmet The other day I was driving my motorbike with Andrew, the Evangel team leader, on the back.  My visor and his visor were up because we were talking, and it’s hard to hear someone when the helment visors are down.

Now, I have done this many times in Thailand, and I often ride with my visor up at night, unless it’s too windy or there’s dirt flying around from the road.  I usually don’t have too much of a problem with bugs.

Do you see where this is going?  On this particular day, with Andrew’s and my visors up, a large large large bug flew into my mouth.  I immediately spit it out, and it immediately went into Andrew’s eye.  Oops.  Sorry Andrew!  Note to self: SPIT DOWN.

One response to “Classic Blunder and a lesson: SPIT DOWN.”

  1. mom says:

    This is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time! I will send some extra floss soon! Love, Mom

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