January newsletter posted!

You can find my January newsletter here.  December was packed with activity and January is showing more of the same, with some new exciting opportunities ahead.  It’s going to be a great year!

Making Room

Happy 2012!  I’m looking forward to a great year – lots of exciting things planned, and lots of unknowns, but God is greater than both, and He is with me! This Christmas I was blessed by friends and family with some great presents.  I realized right away though that I needed to do some rearranging and cleaning out of my closet and pantry to make […]

November Newsletter

November Newsletter

You can find a pdf version of my November newsletter here … Or a webpage version here.  You can click this link to subscribe and have the newsletter delivered right to your inbox!

Love born in sorrow

Love born in sorrow

This morning I read an excerpt from Thomas Merton’s journal, dated March 18, 1950. I am compelled to share it, for it touched my heart and mind and I believe that many of us can relate to Merton’s words. “My soul is trying to awaken and discover again the beauty of penance. I am ashamed of having so many confessions of my faults in the […]

“Water, water everywhere” or, “Floods are no fun”

“Water, water everywhere” or, “Floods are no fun”

You may have heard already about the flooding going on in Thailand. I haven’t blogged about it yet for a few reasons: 1) I have been busy with other things, and 2) it’s hard to get straight information until it’s all over (and it’s not all over yet)… Chiang Mai experienced flooding the last days of September and the first days of October.  The affected […]

Right Message, Wrong Delivery

Right Message, Wrong Delivery

I’m sitting on the second floor of Starbucks in the heart of Chiang Mai, looking out over a public square and the most historic gate of the old city wall.  This part of town is overwhelmed by the tourist industry–within a half-mile radius there are dozens of tour agencies and cheap hotels, and bars to suit the night crowd.  A few Thai guys shove English-language […]

Baptism Service

Baptism Service

This month, four new believers at TLC were baptized. Yay!

Renewing my visa at Chiang Mai Immigration

Renewing my visa at Chiang Mai Immigration

In a nutshell, the immigration office is a small room filled to the brim and overflowing with foreigners who do not want to be there.  You can almost physically feel the tension, aggravation, and anger that hang in the air.  Every 90 days I have to go to the immigration office in Chiang Mai to check in and tell them I am still here.  Sometimes […]

Swim Swam Swum

Swim Swam Swum

I have been going to Bangkok at least once a month since March of this year. Sometimes it’s for a day (that’s a long day!) and sometimes it’s for a full week, and sometimes it’s in between.  Since I’m in the Big City that often, I checked out a pool at a public park and decided to become a member.  It’s close enough to my […]

Gotta love that language!

Gotta love that language!

I forgot to put this in my post about bowling (find it here) — I love the way languages have their own ways of describing things.  In English, we call the ruts on the side of a bowling lane “gutters”, while in Thai we call them “pipes”.  There’s an idiomatic phrase used to refer to getting a gutter ball, which translated literally is “clean the […]