BBQ Like You’ve Never Had It Before

We took 50 people to Thai BBQ a few weeks ago for a Friday night event.  Students, teachers, and TLC staff spent time together having fun, eating, and getting to know each other.  WHAT FUN!  But let me tell you about Thai BBQ. Thai BBQ is … intense.  The short story is that you sit and eat for three hours. The longer explanation is that […]

Have I mentioned lately…

WE NEED TEACHERS! TLC English Center is in need of teachers starting August 10th!  Can you help?  Check out this site for more information, or contact me.  Let anyone else know too who may be interested.  Teaching English is a great way to get to know Thai students, build relationships with them, and introduce them to Christ. Please ask God how you can be involved!

Calming down?

Things seem to be calming down with the protests in Bangkok.  The day after I last posted, the government went in to break up the protests, and the reds had one more heyday, burning more than two dozen important buildings in Bangkok.  One was Central World, Southeast Asia’s second largest shopping plaza.  Check out this Wikipedia article to read about it. Curfew was imposed throughout […]

Thailand in the News

By now you may have seen Bangkok making headlines.  I wanted to post a simple description of what is going on here. For slightly sensational and up-to-the-minute news, check out Bangkok Post or The Nation. I wrote a few blog entries last time there was political upheaval here, and you can read them here: 1) Nov 26, 2008; 2) Dec 1, 2008; and 3) Dec […]

QUEST the Second

On April 2nd we took about 10 students plus several TLC church members to Bua Tong Waterfall for our second QUEST event.  (Read about the first one here.)  It was a great time to build friendships with our students and give them a clear presentation of the Gospel.  Seeds were planted — pray that they fall on fertile soil!

Makro … or, the Ups and Downs of a Motorbike

Makro is a “cash and carry” warehouse store in Thailand – just think Costco or Sam’s Club.  I don’t know exactly what “cash and carry” is supposed to mean… oh well.  At any rate, you buy things in bulk and they don’t put your merchandise in bags.  Sound familiar?  I know they have a member card, which I’m not sure you have to pay for, […]

If I had Twitter…

I think Twitter was made for people like me. I have a random mind. I think of random things at random times in random places.  One close friend said that my brain is like iTunes on shuffle mode.  Twitter would be a great outlet for my random thoughts. But I don’t “tweet.”  For one reason, I still live in the dark ages with a phone […]

Guns Everywhere! …water guns, that is.

This week is SONGKRAN, the Thai New Year festival that is celebrated with water fights!  With highs of 104+ degrees, the water (often) comes as a refreshing cool-down.  I’ve posted two videos you can check out here and here. We drove around the moat in Chiang Mai on the back of pickup trucks. There were about eight people in our truck, and we had 4 […]

Three’s Company

More company!  You can probably guess when I am far behind on my blog that special people are in town, and are perhaps even staying at my house 🙂 This week, my friends Kelly, Brenna, and Matt came to visit.  I’ve known Kelly since (my) birth, and her younger sister Brenna since Brenna’s birth.  Brenna married Matt last year, and I met Matt a few times […]

Mekong River International Multisport ITU Asian Cup 2010

That’s the long name for the racing weekend I had in Nong Khai last Friday through Sunday.  Nong Khai is in eastern Thailand, along the border of Laos, and I went with a few friends to join in the race events. Friday = aquathon = 1.5k swim (down the river), 5k run Saturday = duathlon = 10k run, 40k bike, 5k run Sunday = triathlon […]