Happy Thai-nksgiving!

I have the old song in my mind today, Give thanks, with a grateful heart, Give thanks, to the Holy One, Give thanks, because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son…   I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day and are able to celebrate with friends and/or family 🙂  Don’t let Black Friday overshadow the more important Thursday that comes before it! […]

New Newsletter

I just posted my latest newsletter, with exciting things about young believers and the English Center.  Check it out here, and see past newsletters here.

Everyday Life

Here are some pictures of things I’ve run into recently, in the everyday “humdrum” of living in Thailand.  As if anything here could be “humdrum.” The coming winter brings with it race season!

Shame on me! So here’s an update

I am a bad blogger. Maybe when I write blogs they could turn out alright, but as far as sitting down and actually writing them, well….. I hang my head in shame. Here are some updates from the last month or so… John, Nok, and Iew were baptized in September!  These are my small group members who came to Christ at the beginning of this […]

ENCOUNTER 2010 Pictures

An awesome conference for university ministry in Budapest, Hungary.  Here are pictures!

English Camp Pictures!

English Camp Pictures!

Here are some pictures from our English Camp back in July.  The theme was PIRATES!  With students, teachers, and church members, we had about 40 people go. What fun!

Where to begin…?

Where to begin…?

No new post in a month… no I didn’t drop off the face of the earth, but I have been traipsing around Thailand, and Europe, in that time!  A quick timeline… Mid-July: Quest with the Evangel team and Scott and Julie.  We went to a waterfall and had activities at each level. What fun!  There was a little rain but the students enjoyed it.  Some […]

Check out our video!

Thank you Liz and Merry, two awesome film majors from Evangel University who taught this summer and made this video for us.  Have a look at what God is doing at TLC!  Here it is.

A busy summer

I have been negligent in posting pictures and writing about all the fun I’m having lately, mostly because I’ve been so busy taking pictures and having fun!  Here are just a few things we’ve been up to lately at TLC English Center. Thanks go to a team from Evangel University and two volunteers from Wisconsin, who helped with so much over the last two months! […]

New newsletter posted

I put several pictures in my latest newsletter, which you can find here.  Thanks for your prayers and support!